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5 Reasons to Choose Oatlands to Look After Your Teeth

Choosing the right private dentist has never been an easy task (there are so many out there!), and now it’s even more difficult. More practices than ever before have taken to social media to advertise what they can do for you and how they can help you, particularly with the increasing number of private dental practices popping up across England and Wales.

If you’re looking for a dentist in Walton-on-Thames, you’ve landed in the right place. In this piece, we’ll discuss why we think our team are the best people to help you maintain fantastic teeth, and why caring for your teeth leads to a happier and better version of you.

Can having better teeth really make me happier?

The short answer = yes.

There’s no question that when we feel happier on the outside, this has a direct effect on what we feel inside. It can be really difficult to put on a smiling and happy persona if all you’re thinking about is how much you dislike your teeth.

Smile dissatisfaction can distract you when you’re having a conversation (whether that’s in person or on a Zoom call) and take up a significant amount of energy which could be better spent on other things (like self-love and respect!) That’s why caring for your teeth is a multi-beneficial lifelong practice that will directly and indirectly lead to better serotonin levels. 

The route to a healthier smile starts with finding a dentist who can truly accommodate your needs and communicate in a language you can understand.

That’s us here at Oatlands Dental Lounge. Here’s why we’re confident we can get you to a place where your smile no longer dwells on your mind for all the wrong reasons.   

Delivering exceptionally good care and treatment every time you visit

We treat our patients as we would if we were caring for our very own friends and family. We want you to leave the practice feeling better off than when you arrived – even if it’s for a simple check-up with your dentist and no treatment is required.

We’re of the belief that visiting the dentist is about so much more than coming in, getting your teeth checked over, and leaving. It’s about:

  • Learning what’s best for your teeth.
  • How to implement better long-term habits.
  • How to identify where you could be going wrong with your morning and evening oral hygiene routine.
  • Which parts of your diet could do with some reassessment?

Rest assured, your check-up with a private dentist in Walton-on-Thames will never be slapdash. We put aside a sufficient portion of time for each check-up, so you will never ever feel rushed, and this helps us to spend some valuable time with you so that we can check in with you and discuss your wellbeing in relation to your oral health (and vice versa).

Taking the time to understand what you need from us 

It’s always a privilege when a new patient puts their trust in us to look after their teeth.

In return, we want to make sure we know what it is we can do for you, and this is made possible with open and honest communication, which begins with listening to you.

One of the biggest responsibilities we have as dentists is to continue making you feel safe and secure before, during and after any treatment. Extreme dental phobia affects many people who come to see us, and it’s something we take extremely seriously.

Our technology and techniques are minimally invasive wherever possible, and play a vital part in changing patient perceptions of visits to the dentist. More importantly though, it’s the clinical and front-of-house individuals in our team that make a real difference to how patients feel in our care.

Each member of our team (including dentists, hygienists, nurses, and the reception team) has been selected not only for their excellent level of talent and skill, but for their character. Our promise to our patients is to be empathetic, understanding, attentive and supportive.

Here for you when you need us the most

If you’ve found yourself in an unexpected dental pickle and you’ve had to type ‘Emergency dentist Walton-on-Thames’ into Google, we will always do our best to get you in for a same-day emergency appointment.

Dental problems can be pretty scary at the best of times, let alone when they strike unexpectedly. Our emergency service is one of our most important, as when it comes to teeth, time is of the essence. Teeth can quickly deteriorate when an emergency like a dental infection manifests, so booking to see an emergency dentist in Walton-on-Thames as soon as possible could potentially save your tooth.

Doing our bit to be green

We’re proud to say that we’ve been committed to green dentistry for quite some years now, and this is something our patients value very much (and rightly so!)

Some of our green efforts include:

  • Becoming amalgam-free: this eliminates the risk of mercury ending up in the environment and causing irrevocable damage to the planet. Instead, we use composite resins (which have the added benefit of looking much more like real tooth enamel!)
  • Recycling clinical materials: we actively encourage our patients to bring in old whitening trays and Invisalign aligners that they no longer wish to keep – and the response has been amazing over the years – it’s so brilliant to know our patients are as dedicated as we are about reducing waste. We’re also meticulous when recycling as much office waste as we possibly can, down to the last cereal and chocolate bar wrappers that might be lying around!
  • Safe disposal of chemicals: we uniquely use safe filters in our waste and suction pipes, which reduces patient exposure to mercury when they have old amalgam fillings replaced with composite ‘white’ fillings. Our X-ray system is fully digitised, which eliminates the use of the chemicals that form part of the old development process.

We promise never to ‘sell you’ a treatment (ever!)

The ‘hard sell’ approach has no place in the healthcare world, and that applies to dentistry.

We believe in presenting you with options and giving you time to ask the questions you need to. That might be spread over multiple appointments, or you may find you’re ready to go ahead with a proposed treatment right away – everyone is different, and it’s OK to take time over how you want to proceed. The last thing we would want ourselves is to be rushed into making decisions about our health!

Find the right private dentist in Walton-on-Thames

If you would like to come in and visit us for a non-clinical appointment, that’s absolutely fine with us.

We’re very happy to introduce prospective patients to our team and give you a tour (which can be really beneficial for nervous patients who need a reintroduction to the dental practice environment).

Contact us by simply clicking here, or pop in to see our lovely reception team in person.

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