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Crown lengthening for short teeth

Crown lengthening is a common surgical procedure. The procedure is used to stabilise a dental crown or dental filling. This involves removing a minimal amount of gum tissue, bone, or even both to expose more of a tooth. Crown lengthening is used in situations wherein your tooth breaks off at the gum line and is unable to support a crown or filling. This procedure is also the solution if you lose a crown or a tooth filling and there is decay underneath, close to the bottom of the tooth. If you have what’s called a “gummy smile”, a condition in which you have a lot of gum tissue around your upper teeth, it could also be fixed with crown lengthening surgery, this is done in house with our state of the art laser technology. Filling a cavity and fitting a crown is most effective if the periodontist gets to use enough of your tooth above the gum line to anchor the filling or the crown in place. Crown lengthening is used extensively not just because of its efficiency, but also for the very few risks involved.

To determine if you need crown lengthening, you need to visit a periodontist. A periodontist is a dentist that specialises in advanced gum treatments. The periodontist will review your medical history and take an x-ray of your teeth. They will recommend you for surgery if needed, and set a date for the procedure.

How the procedure works:

First, you will be given a local anaesthetic. If you have any temporary crowns or fillings, they will be removed as you undergo the procedure. Don’t worry, because these will all be replaced after the procedure is over. What usually happens is, the periodontist needs to cut into your gum and have some bone removed from the bottom of your teeth. The area worked on will be cleansed with a saline solution. Next, your gums will be joined in place with stitches, followed by application of a periodontal dressing. The cavity that causes problems will then be fitted with a temporary dental crown or filling. This may seem painful, but rest assured, the anaesthesia is effective in preventing you from feeling pain.

After crown lengthening surgery, the most important thing you need to do is to keep your mouth as clean as possible to prevent your treated tooth from getting infected. If your face swells and you feel a dull pain after the surgery, do not be alarmed. This is a completely normal effect from the procedure. The swelling and slight pains are likely to last for at least two days. To soothe the pain and reduce further swelling, it’s recommended to apply a cold compress on the outside of your mouth. Aside from that, the periodontist will prescribe you with painkillers and advise you to use antiseptic mouthwash.

After a week, you will need to come back to the periodontist to have your stitches removed. Your periodontist will also update you on the status of your teeth and recovery. You need to come back again for a follow-up check-up a month after the crown lengthening surgery.

For more information contact us to speak to a member of staff.

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