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Deep Gum Cleaning: The Good and Bad

The mouth is one of the best breeding stations for bacteria, given the right or wrong conditions. It’s a place where food is put and processed before it goes to the digestive system for energy conversion and finally to the bloodstream. Did you know that even though we regularly brush our teeth, it’s not always enough to get rid of stubborn tartar and plaque that can cause gingivitis, cavities and even bad breath?

What is deep gum cleaning and how is it different from an ordinary cleaning?

A lot of people can get confused with the two processes. Some people can even interchange the two, thinking that they are the same. An ordinary cleaning involves the removal of built-up plaque on the tooth’s outer surface. The mouth produces saliva which can help break down the food that we eat. Not only that, the saliva is made up of some other substance that can actually help in oral protection from bacteria. On the other hand, the food that we eat plus saliva can cause a buildup in the teeth which eventually becomes the plaque and tartar.

To prevent this from causing bad breath and cavities, this needs to be removed and that is the main purpose why we have the scaling called oral prophylaxis or more popularly known as “cleaning”. Again, ordinary cleaning means that the dentist will remove all the built-up plaque and tartar and afterwards, polish the surface of the teeth.

In cases wherein you have gingivitis and scaling is not enough, root planning can be done in order to remedy this condition. This is a process which involves correcting the root surface and smoothening it. If there are infected root structures, these are also removed. To remove the plaque from the gum pockets, this will involve going deeper to make sure that everything is removed.

Is Deep Cleaning For You or Not?

Some people have sensitive gums and teeth which can easily bleed with even the slightest poking. Therefore, you should consult your dentist and check your teeth and gum condition. Your dentist is the most qualified person to give professional assessment on the condition of your gums and teeth before undergoing deep gum cleaning.

How long can the whole process take? The process can be broken down into different appointments, normally up to a fourth appointment. But it will depend on the dentist you choose. Also, your dentist may use antibiotic gels and rinse to completely remove any lingering bacteria from your mouth.

What should you expect as after effect of the process? It will probably hurt a little and discomfort especially right after the procedure. Check out the other effects below:

  • Heightened teeth sensitivity especially to hot and cold drinks or foods, so try to avoid them until your teeth and gums are up to it.
  • Slight pain or discomfort when brushing, so make sure that you do it gently.
  • Your doctor may or may not give you painkillers and will probably ask you to gargle with antiseptic wash or salt with water.

As for any dental procedure, check with your dentist if you need a deep gum cleaning.

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