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Do You Really Need to Give Up Your Wisdom Tooth?

The last teeth that will ever grow on your gums are called wisdom teeth. These will most likely appear when you reach your late teens or early adulthood. As you can see, this is also the reason why they are called wisdom teeth- because they appear at the time when you are considered already mature. Only about two thirds of the population will likely grow wisdom teeth. For unknown reasons, a third simply will never have them. This may be attributed to man’s evolutions since wisdom teeth are not really considered very useful. These can be a pain at times because you can’t get a toothbrush to clean all the way its back. A lot choose to have them removed for convenience purposes.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction- Are You Qualified for It?

Some people have short jaws, making these unfit for an extra pair of teeth. Their jaws are only designed to accommodate 28 teeth at the most. If you have a complete set of healthy teeth, the space may already be too tight for wisdom teeth to grow without posing any problems. Wisdom tooth may come out impacted or never even break the surface at all. This means that instead of growing vertically just like your other teeth, this may be angled in an abnormal position. The most common complaint with an impacted tooth is that this could cause discomfort and sometimes, even pain. An impacted tooth could also be partially hidden in gums which could cause food to be dislodged in it, increasing the risk of bacterial exposure. If your dentist determines that this is causing you more discomfort than usual, a wisdom tooth extraction becomes necessary.

The Procedure

Wisdom tooth extraction will be performed by either a dentist or a surgeon depending on the formation of the roots. This can be determined after getting an X-ray. A fully grown wisdom tooth could be removed using the classic procedure where the tooth is loosened and extracted pretty much like you would the other teeth. For hidden wisdom teeth, a surgical procedure may be needed. Many patients ask if this procedure is painful. Procedures such as these are done with the use of local anaesthetics, numbing the skin where the tooth will be removed. Patients undergoing several wisdom tooth extractions in one visit will most likely be given a general anaesthetic. The anaesthetics will eventually wear out which could make you feel uncomfortable for a few days. Painkillers are often prescribed to help control the pain.

Costs Involved

Payment for a wisdom tooth extraction procedure will depend upon the complexity of the procedure. Rates may be different if this is done in a dental office compared to the one performed in a hospital. Of course, the more experienced dentists and surgeons may demand higher rates. If you have a limited budget, you may want to consider asking around first. Take note though that this procedure is riskier compared to other types of teeth extraction. You may be better off letting a more experienced professional working around that wisdom tooth. At Oatlands Dental, we have in-house oral surgeons who specialise in removing more challenging wisdom teeth, and we can also offer you sedation to help relieve any anxieties beforehand.

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