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Effects of oral hygiene on cardiovascular health

While no clear cause-and-effect connection has yet been established, studies have shown that there is a close association between oral hygiene and cardiovascular health. People who observe good oral care routines like brushing the teeth at least twice a day and getting regular dental checkups tend to be less prone to cardiovascular disease and other health complications. According to a statement from Nigel Carter, the British Dental Health Foundation’s Chief Executive, “The link between oral health and overall body health is well documented and backed by robust scientific evidence. Despite this, only one in six people realises that people with gum disease may have an increased risk of stroke or diabetes. And only one in three is aware of the heart disease link.

Gum disease has been found to usually go hand in hand with heart disease. In fact, most patients with heart disease have been observed to be also suffering from periodontitis, an inflammation of the gums and tissues surrounding the teeth brought about by the immune system’s response to bacterial infection. How is this so? One theory suggests that the bacteria which caused the gum infection produce and release toxins into the bloodstream which stimulates formation of fatty plaque deposits in the arteries.

The plaque deposits in the arteries can cause blood clots and block normal blood flow. Another likely explanation is that the liver, reacting to the toxins and other by-products of the bacterial infection, produces high levels of certain proteins which inflame the blood vessels. Either way, clogged arteries or inflamed blood vessels can both lead to high blood pressure, strokes and heart attacks along with a host of other health complications like diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis.

What the studies imply is clear – that brushing your teeth and observing good oral hygiene can prevent gum disease, which in turn could improve your overall health as well as reduce your risk of facing cardiovascular and other health problems in the future.

Most dental experts recommend that you stick to a routine of brushing your teeth for a full two minutes no less than twice a day using fluoride toothpaste, with the last one done just before your bedtime. In addition, you should also clean between your teeth with a dental floss as well as your tongue with a tongue scraper. Good oral care also demands that you visit your dentist at least once a year for professional cleaning and a thorough dental checkup.

At Oatlands Dental Lounge, we provide preventive dentistry measures that will best protect your teeth and gums. Our preventive dentistry covers a wide area of oral health care ranging from fluoride treatments to regular X-rays to micro-fillings and regular plaque removal.

It may be that you already suffer from gum disease and still don’t know it. If your gums are red and swollen or they bleed easily, if you find abscess in your teeth or your teeth seem wobbly or loose, if you have chronic bad breath, then you should probably visit your dentist as soon as you can.

At Oatlands Dental Lounge, we have our own in-house periodontal specialists who can each provide a consultation to assess and plan future treatment, manage the case, and review for progress. Should the gum disease be found already at an advance stage, they are trained to perform surgeries to address gum problems that cannot be remedied by nonsurgical treatments.

In turn a periodontist’s intervention may be crucial in saving teeth suffering from severe gum disease.

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