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Gum Contouring Weybridge

One of the reasons why some people seem too shy to smile widely in front of the camera is having a “gummy smile”. It’s when too much of your gums show up when you smile. Some have uneven gums, and gums which rest either too high or too low on your teeth, which can also lessen confidence in smiling. If you are unhappy with your smile because of these reasons, then you might be a qualified candidate for gum contouring.

Gum contouring is also called gum reshaping. It’s a cosmetic dental procedure that involves sculpting the gum tissue to even out the gum line and give you a smile you’re proud to flash to everyone. Gum contouring is used for situations where the patient’s gums are either too high or too low. Gums that are too low cover a large portion of your teeth, making them look small.

On the other hand, gums that are too high make your teeth look long and is sometimes caused by gum recession—a condition when gums pull back from the tooth, exposing the root of the tooth. Gum recession may lead to tooth decay and loss, and can also be a sign of having periodontal disease, which is the deterioration of the bone and gums supporting your teeth.

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