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How quick can we correct the crooked teeth?

Crooked teeth can be a cause of consciousness and low self-confidence for many adults. Some resort to covering their mouths with their hand when they laugh, talk, or smile, while some avoid smiling and showing their teeth just to avoid embarrassment and judgment. Fortunately, there are many options available nowadays that cater specifically to teeth straightening for adults.

The most wonderful thing about this is that they don’t involve being fitted with horrific-looking old-fashioned metal braces at all. Many new teeth straightening options are relatively affordable, comfortable, effective, fast-acting, and even near-invisible. These options make use of clinically-proven effective orthodontic straightening systems that produce the desired results within months of treatment instead of years.

When it comes to discreet teeth straightening for adults, Oatlands Dental Lounge offers two effective teeth straightening systems: the Six Month Smiles and the Inman Aligner.

Six Month Smiles is a cosmetic braces system designed primarily to realign the upper and lower front teeth. It’s more closely linked to orthodontics traditional metal braces, but without looking like it at all. It uses very fine tooth-coloured wires made of nickel titanium. The nickel titanium braces apply constant, yet gentle orthodontic forces that allow for effective realignment in a much reduced time than traditional braces. Unlike traditional metal braces which can chafe and be a pain to wear, it does not cause pain or discomfort to the wearer. Its near-natural tooth colour won’t be a cause of embarrassment for the wearer, unlike traditional braces with their glaring metal and garish neon colours.

The Six Month Smiles treatment generally lasts within four to nine months. During this time, you will wear the specially designed nickel titanium braces. After removal of your braces, you will wear a retainer for a period of time as determined by your dentist.

The Inman Aligner is a removable orthodontic appliance designed specifically to realign the upper and lower front teeth. It is a clinically-proven effective adult teeth straightening treatment for mild alignment cases. It is similar to the functions of a retainer, the only difference is the single clear wire that’s visible. It uses a patented system of alternate pressure—a push/pull design that uses a coil spring to push on the back of the teeth that needs to be repositioned, while the counter-wire pulls the front teeth into the right position.

You will be fitted with one set of Inman Aligner during two 30-minute visits to the dentist. This is followed up by monthly 15-minute visits to check up on the realignment process. Treatment period usually takes six to sixteen weeks. Some patients experience minimal discomfort for the first few days following application of the Inman Aligner. Aside from its effectivity, another advantage is it’s relatively low cost.

If you are interested in any of our teeth straightening treatments, visit your dentist at Oatlands Dental Lounge to get a clear assessment and recommendation of which teeth straightening treatment fits your needs. During this time, you can ask your questions and voice out concerns regarding the treatment options.

We are available for any assistance you might need before, during, and after treatment. Rest assured, our professionals have ongoing training in carrying out the Six Month Smiles and Inman Aligner teeth straightening treatments for adults.

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