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How to get rid of wrinkles using wrinkle correction injections and fillers

At Oat-lands Dental Lounge, we use and recommend two clinically-proven effective wrinkle-reducing products in facial aesthetics treatments. One is Restylane, a dermal filler, and the other is Azzalure, also known as wrinkle correction injections.

Restylane is a biodegradable dermal filler gel. It’s clear in colour and is composed of purified hyaluronic acid, which is a natural substance that’s already contained in human skin. Fillers are natural products found in the human body and placed under the skin to fill out and support parts that sag and have deeper wrinkles. An ultra-fine needle is used to inject Restylane under the skin in tiny amounts. The restorative effects of Restylane are immediate and effective. Restylane works by adding underlying support to the skin on your face that sags due to effects of age, over-exposure to sunlight, or cellular dehydration.

Aside from producing immediate and long-lasting results, dermal fillers effectively promote natural-looking enhancement and does the following:

  • Lightens dark circles under the eyes
  • Eliminates scowl lines between the brows
  • Softens the lines originating from your lips associated with ageing
  • Plumps up your lips, restoring its youthful sensuality
  • Restores your lips’ cupids bow
  • Softens the appearance of bony hands

It is a clinically-proven effective enhancement product used to reduce facial wrinkles and fine lines. What wrinkle correction injections primarily does is reduce the muscle’s ability to do dramatic and dynamic movements. The reason for this is to lessen those existing lines and wrinkles, eventually softening the facial appearance. Like Restylane, Azzalure is injected into the skin using ultra-slim needles. The treatment is painless and is completed in as short as fifteen to twenty minutes. After treatment, you may experience redness or mild swelling, but this is no cause for worry since it usually disappears within twenty minutes or even less. The restorative effects of Azzalure last for typically three to four months.

Ageing is a natural process that affects everyone, and with it comes the dreaded wrinkles and fine lines as well as unflattering creases and folds that take over our once youthful, smooth, and supple skin. Thanks to modern advances in facial aesthetic procedures, trained dentists like Dr. Paryani at Oatlands Dental Lounge can help turn back time in your face.

Dr Poonam Paryani at Oatlands Dental Lounge is IHAS-registered, which means we have expertise in facial musculature and how it affects your smile. With this knowledge, we are able to specialise in administering wrinkle reduction techniques done in natural and subtle ways. The treatments aim to restore youth and vibrancy to face. The treatment we provide you will be based on what we can gather from a thorough assessment of your face and smile. We will take photos of your face and a facial diagram. After that, we can create a detailed plan that includes options that are natural, safe, and only applies subtle changes.

Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Paryani. During the consultation you can discuss areas of concern on your face and options for treatment.

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