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Invisalign Weybridge

Invisalign in Weybridge

Invisalign is a modern and revolutionary approach to a smile makeover. It’s an affordable, non-invasive, and painless dental appliance used to straighten teeth. Invisalign is a series of custom-made aligners made of smooth, sturdy, invisible plastic that fits into your teeth like a glove and isn’t a pain to wear. These aligners gently and gradually move misaligned teeth back into place, based on the exact movements your dentist plans out for you.

Unlike traditional braces, there are no annoying metal brackets to attach and no wires to tighten. It’s as easy as popping in a set of aligners into your teeth every two weeks until your treatment is complete. Invisalign won’t interfere with the normal functions of your teeth and mouth. And nobody would even know you’re wearing one.

NTI Splints Weybridge

For those with problems like bruxism, our dental specialists recommend NTI splints Weybridge to reduce night-time tooth clenching and grinding which may misaligned teeth and cause problems like headaches and migraines.

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