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My teeth hurt after eating

A toothache can feel so painful and overwhelming that it can affect everything else in your life including the way you eat, the way you smile or open your mouth, and even how you interact with others. Toothache is pain felt in and around the teeth and jaws. It may be accompanied by gum and facial swelling, peeling inside of the mouth, redness, and sore or tender jaw. The pain varies from mild, dull throbbing and discomfort to full-blown, severe pain. In some cases, the pain worsens at night time.

Toothaches can occur on or off or be constant. Although toothache after eating is often a sign of tooth decay, injury, or infection, it may also be an indication of a temporary condition like food particles stuck in between teeth which can be remedied at home. In some cases, toothache may be a sign of a more serious medical condition which you can only know for sure after a visit to the dentist Weybridge.

Tooth decay is a major cause of toothaches. Decay occurs when bacteria adheres to the plaque build-up on the teeth and creates a hollow called a cavity. This happens usually when a person does not practice proper dental and oral hygiene regularly. If this condition is left untreated, the cavity can only grow deeper until eventually, it gets to the nerves of the tooth and exposes it. When it gets to the nerves, that’s when the pain increases to the point of being uncomfortable and unbearable.

If you have food stuck in between your teeth, this may be the cause of your toothache and can be easily remedied. Loosen and remove trapped food particles by rinsing out your mouth and teeth with warm water and flossing afterwards.

If your toothache caused by tooth decay and cavities, you need to see a dentist as soon as possible. The dentist will remove the decayed parts of your teeth and replace them with fillings. If damage has reached the pulp of your tooth which contains the blood vessels and nerves, you may need to undergo root canal treatment. If your condition cannot be treated with a root canal or if you have impacted tooth—your tooth is wedged between your jaw and another tooth, the tooth in question may need to be taken out.

Note that there are many causes of toothaches. You cannot make your own diagnosis because the cause or the problem might be much more serious. You need to consult a dentist to have a thorough and definitive assessment of what’s causing your tooth pains.

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