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Doing our bit for the planet

Our Commitment to Being Green

We believe that all clinical settings, such as dental practices, should be committed to being green wherever possible. Reducing our carbon footprint is incredibly important to us, and we know how important this is to our patients here in Walton-on-Thames.

But it’s not all just talk. Here are some of the tangible ways in which we are doing our best to be kinder to the planet:

Toxin reduction

We are a completely amalgam-free practice dedicated to reducing the impact caused by the use of industrial mercury. For every 90,000 kg of mercury used in amalgam restorations such as fillings, it’s estimated that 100 kg of mercury enters the environment.

Electronic communication

We send all our documentation electronically, reducing the need for paper usage. Our systems are fully computerised, and we encourage patients to contact us electronically whenever possible and when convenient.

Energy conservation

We have embraced the latest technology in all areas of the practice. This has a positive knock-on effect on energy consumption, which we strive to keep as low as possible for the sake of the planet.

Recycling clinical materials

As well as recycling our office waste, we are also committed to recycling clinical materials, including old Invisalign aligners and whitening trays. We encourage our patients to bring these into the practice if they would no longer like to keep them so that we can dispose of them in an eco-friendly way.

Safe disposal of chemicals

Using safe filters in our waste and suction pipes, we can minimise our patients’ exposure to mercury when extracting old amalgam fillings.

Our fully digitised X-ray system eliminates the use of chemicals that form part of the old radiography development process. We also do not need to print out the images.

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