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Team - Oatlands Dental

Dr Omesh Modgill

Specialist Oral Surgeon

GDC NO: 211480

BDS (Bristol), PGCert Dental Education (Beds),MOral Surg (RCS Eng)

Omesh qualified in 2011 from the University of Bristol Dental Hospital.

Following completion of Vocational Training, he gained further surgical experience in his roles as an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Dental Core Trainee and Oral Surgery Specialty Doctor in both the North-West and London.

Omesh subsequently successfully completed oral surgery specialty training at the renowned Kings and Guys Hospital, London. Omesh is recognised by the General Dental Council as a Specialist Oral Surgeon.

Omesh very much enjoys passing on his wisdom and advanced knowledge of oral surgery, having presented regionally, nationally and internationally on a range of oral surgery related topics whilst also publishing on several occasions in peer reviewed papers.

Omesh is committed to delivering a high standard of surgical treatment and providing treatment in a painless and timely manner. He is an advocate for holistic care, taking time to understand your treatment needs prior to your attendance, whilst also proactively conducting post-operative follow-up. He is always happy to discuss your treatment at great length to facilitate the highest standards of care for all patients. His calm and collected approach is well suited to the focused and diligent mentality required to be an excellent oral surgeon.


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