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Anti-wrinkle injections to make you look less tired, sad and angry

If you would like to soften fine lines and wrinkles on your face and neck, then we offer consultations from our clinic in Walton-on-Thames to discuss several treatment methods, including botulinum toxin injections.

Repeated muscle movements through facial expressions such as smiling, pouting, laughing and frowning cause wrinkles to form on the skin. Botulinum toxin is a substance that temporarily relaxes these muscles, leading to a smooth and more youthful appearance.

It has multiple uses, which can be discussed in depth at a consultation, but the key areas it can address for lines and wrinkles are:

Thanks to our skilled medical expertise, we ensure results appear natural and the ‘frozen’ look commonly associated with anti-wrinkle injections is avoided.

At a glance

  • Treatment name: Wrinkle-relaxing injections.
  • Treatment areas: Frown lines, forehead lines, neck lines, crow’s feet, smoker’s lines, bunny lines.
  • Treatment results: Smooth skin.
  • Treatment frequency: Every three to four months.
  • Procedure time: 30 minutes.
  • Downtime: Minimal.
  • Discomfort: Minimal.
  • Notes: Individual results can vary, so a consultation is an important first step to discuss tailored advice and expectations, as well as the necessary aftercare.
  • Cost: From £150

Conditions related to treatment

Wrinkle Relaxing FAQs

1. How do anti-wrinkle injections work?

Anti-wrinkle injections are made up of a substance called botulinum toxin.

When this is injected into the skin, it blocks the signals from the nerves to the muscles. As a result, muscles are relaxed and can no longer contract as much as usual which leads to an improvement in the appearance of your lines and wrinkles. This effect lasts approximately three to four months before the botulinum toxin is broken down by the body, muscles start to move again and you start noticing the reappearance of your lines and wrinkles.

2. Is this treatment suitable for me?

A bespoke medical consultation will determine if anti-wrinkle treatment is right for you.

We’ll conduct an assessment to determine the cause of your concerns, as well as taking a detailed medical and lifestyle history to rule out any contraindications such as pregnancy or breastfeeding.

We’ll also discuss your concerns and goals to identify your expectations and determine if we’re able to reach them, before outlining the best treatment approaches for you.

3. What can I expect during a consultation for lines and wrinkles?

We’ll ask you to complete a questionnaire that will provide us with a thorough insight into you medical and aesthetic history, as well as your motivations for seeking treatment.

After this, we’ll conduct a detailed assessment of your concerns before presenting a list of options that are clinically proven to reduce your lines and wrinkles.

We’ll explain the science behind each procedure, the pros and cons of each, advise what you can expect from treatment and detail how long results are expected to last. We’ll then provide you with written information to take home so you carefully consider your options for one to two weeks before deciding what option you’d like to have or whether you want to go ahead with treatment at all.

4. What happens during treatment?

The areas requiring treatment will be marked up with a skin pencil before we swiftly inject the botulinum toxin using an ultra-fine needle.

Our experience and expertise ensures that the procedure is quick and relatively painless.

Once the treatment is complete, we’ll remind you of the aftercare guidance to follow before booking you in to review the results in a couple of weeks’ time.

When appropriate, before and after photographs will be taken to document results.

5. What results can I expect from treatment for lines and wrinkles?

About 14 days after your botulinum toxin injections you will start to see smoother, less wrinkled skin, with optimum results noticeable from three weeks’ post treatment.

In more stubborn areas, lines may not be completely eliminated but will appear softer. You can expect to look less sad, tired and angry, with fresher more youthful skin.

These results will typically last three to four months before the toxin is naturally broken down by the body, and lines and wrinkles slowly become more appare nt.

We can book a review appointment for around this stage to fine tune the result if necessary and determine if you would like repeated treatment.

6. Which areas can be treated?

Significant research has found that botulinum toxin can be successfully used to treat lines and wrinkles:

  • Either side of the Eyes (crow’s feet)
  • Between the Eyebrows (frown lines)
  • Around the Mouth (smoker’s lines)
  • Either side of the Nose (bunny lines)
  • On the Neck

It can also be used to minimise excessive sweating, reduce tooth grinding, and slim wide jawlines.

7. Are there any side effects and will treatment hurt?

Anti-wrinkle injections are relatively pain free and you can go back to your usual day-to-day activities immediately after treatment.

While you may experience slight redness and swelling, this should settle within a few days.

At Oatlands Aesthetics, you can be assured you’re in safe hands with experienced injectors who will do everything possible to minimise the risk of adverse events.

8. Can I have other treatment alongside anti-wrinkle injections?

Yes, we will often recommend a combination treatment approach to address all your skin and ageing concerns.

Procedures that complement anti-wrinkle injections include:

If you would like to find out more information regarding our treatments

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