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What is the best toothpaste and toothbrush to use?

There’s an abundance of toothbrush styles, sizes, and shapes out in the market right now and it can be confusing to choose which one to use since they all claim to be good. What your dentist will tell you is that the best toothbrush is one that fits into your mouth and allows you to move it around easily, reaching all of your teeth. Most dental healthcare professionals agree that a soft-bristled brush is the best kind of brush for removing debris and plaque from teeth. Hard bristles aren’t usually recommended since these may damage the enamel, or outer covering of your teeth. Small-headed brushes are also recommended since you can easily manoeuvre these into hard to reach places inside your mouth such as your back teeth.

When it comes to style and type of bristles (flat, dome-shaped, rippled) or type of handle (flexible neck, non-slip grip, slim), it would depend on personal preference. What’s important is to choose what’s comfortable for you. Electric or powered brushes are also an excellent alternative. These can even do a better job of cleaning teeth, especially for those who have limited manual dexterity or find it difficult to brush their own teeth. Dental healthcare professionals recommend replacing your toothbrush every three months, and not just for purely hygienic purposes. Worn bristles in toothbrush can damage gum tissue.

Like toothbrushes, toothpastes also come in many forms from breath freshening and cavity control to plaque busting and sensitive teeth. What makes it more confusing is that they all claim to be excellent and it seems worthwhile to try them all out. When it comes to choosing toothpaste, it’s helpful to consult your dentist since they know the condition of your teeth and can recommend the best type of toothpaste for you. Most brands of toothpaste follow the basic formulae of fluoride and powdered calcium. Other common ingredients include flavouring and foaming agents. Out of all the ingredients listed in a toothpaste label, the most important ones you should look for are fluoride and calcium.

Fluoride is the main active ingredient in toothpaste that prevents tooth decay and most oral health problems. It does this by stopping bacteria from creating acids which break down tooth enamel, and promoting remineralisation. Fluoride is basically an organic compound found in the earth’s crust and distributed in soil, water, and the foods we eat. Fluoride is also made in laboratories where it’s added to oral healthcare products like toothpaste, mouthwash, and floss. Calcium strengthens teeth and also helps remove stains.

Dental healthcare professionals recommend everyone to brush their teeth twice a day with the use of fluoride toothpaste for at least two minutes.

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